Friday, December 21, 2012

Dennis Kucinich: The NDAA: More War Abroad and More Austerity Here at Home. (VIDEO)

"It's caviar for the Pentagon and cat food for seniors. "

"In this discussion over the NDAA, we arrive at a moment where we meet the moral consequences of our nation's choices over the past decade. We chose war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and perhaps later on Iran. Inexplicably, we have created openings for Al Qaeda and radical fundamentalists as a result of our interventions.

"At home, we choose a false notion of security over personal freedom, even if it means that we look the other way when the very language of this bill opens the door for indefinite detention of Americans. And we choose poverty over plenty by giving over half a trillion dollars for the Pentagon, and nearly $90 billion for wars, including Afghanistan, while facing reductions in domestic spending.

"We put war on the nation's credit card, including a charge for the war in Iraq, which was based on lies and may ultimately cost $5 trillion. We gather at a fiscal cliff of our own making and refuse to see the implications of our unrestrained spending for war. But when it comes to providing for the long term security of our seniors, a cynical ploy using the Consumer Price Index is being used to cut Senior's Social Security benefits.

"When did America become more concerned about the control of and the security of foreign lands than the retirement security of its own people? Unending war abroad means austerity here at home. It's caviar for the Pentagon and cat food for seniors.

"Our choices are being made again with this bill, but when will we choose for America - -Jobs for all? Education for all? Housing opportunities for all? Retirement security for all? When will we choose freedom over fear? When will we break the hold which fear has over this nation?"

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