Friday, November 2, 2012

TSA Agent Arrested for Raping Boy (Allegedly) (VIDEO)

TSA agent from Cleveland arrested for allegedly raping young boy.Just the latest example of an employee of the federal agency being accused of child molestation while carrying out pat downs of children on the job.

Returning from Germany, the TSA screener, who remains unnamed until he is charged, was arrested on a warrant at Newark Airport in New Jersey.

The man was arrested on suspicion of sexually molesting a young boy from Northeast Ohio.

The TSA worker was a former mentor with the Big Brothers Big SIsters organization in Cleveland, which allowed him to get access to children including his victim. The organization said it was aware of the case but refused to make any further comment.

The alleged rape took place last year, after which the TSA screener went to Germany to continue working for the federal agency. What the man was doing working in Germany when he is an employee of an agency of the U.S. government has not been divulged.

According to 19 Action News, the rape incident traumatized the boy to such an extent that he seriously contemplated suicide.

This is just the latest incident involving a TSA screener, many of whom are tasked with conducting invasive pat downs of children at airports, being charged or accused of child molestation.

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