Wednesday, October 3, 2012
LEAKED: Romney's Pre-Presidential Debate Cram With Obama! (VIDEO)
According to Real Clear Politics national average Obama is nearly 3% points ahead going into the debate and Mitt the Robot Romney needs a drink to summon some personality this evening. More importantly he needs to throw and land a few political haymakers if he wants to rattle Obama and reignite his momentum. The debate will cover the economy, healthcare and the role of government. The economy is anemic while Wall Street is provisioned with easy cash Main St. is unemployed (cite the real unemployment numbers), healthcare reform is unpopular and a colossal expense, but expect a 'thank you for the blueprint' moment and the role of government at the level at which Barack Obama wishes it to function, which is to say one nation under Washington has metastasized and 'buried' the middle class. It might be the economy, but keep it simple stupid this country has enough drones.
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