Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sensata Worker Outsourced by Bain Speaks Out (VIDEO)


Cheryl Randecker, Sensata worker whose job is being outsourced. Aside from his offshore tax havens - Romney also wants people to ignore what's happening at a factory in Freeport, Illinois. That factory belongs to Sensata Technologies - or at least it did - until Mitt Romney's Bain Capital took it over. And with Bain Capital in charge - all 170 workers at that factory are about to lose their jobs. Over the last few months - Sensata workers have been watching chunks of their factory packaged up and shipped off to China - and all their jobs will be following suit by the end of the year thanks to a decision made by Mitt Romney's Bain Capital. Romney doesn't want you to know this is happening - especially since he's running as the guy who will create 12 million AMERICAN jobs in his first term. But those workers at Sensata do want you to know what's going on.


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