Saturday, September 1, 2012

'London world capital of surveillance' (VIDEO)


Also weighing-in on the Syria situation is Wikileaks - with Julian Assange promising to publish millions of emails to cast new light on the crisis.

They're supposed to show just how comfortable the West used to be with President Assad - and how the media is currently being manipulated to villify him.

The whistleblower made his comments during a rare interview with a South American TV network - while he's holed up at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Assange criticized Washington's harassment of Wikileaks - saying speaking the truth should never be considered a crime. He also mentioned how the West is turning into a surveillance mega-state - which he believes makes a mockery of human rights.

Assange predicted he would stay for up to a year at the embassy surrounded by British police - until either a diplomatic solution is found, or the case against him is dropped.


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