Thursday, August 30, 2012

TSA Agents Attempt Ron Paul Family Grope (VIDEO)


Ron Paul Harassed by The TSA! VIDEO

TSA felt that Ron Paul could use his airplane to attack Romney?

On departing the RNC in Tampa yesterday, Ron Paul, his wife and grand-daughter were subjected to harassment by the TSA at a small airport in Clearwater, Florida.

Eight TSA goons told the Paul entourage they would need to be screened before they would be allowed to leave because Mitt Romney might be nearby.

The insinuation was obvious — Paul and his family pose a threat to the GOP presidential candidate.

After a protracted examination of Ron Paul's credentials, the agents demanded they be allowed to check the airplane for explosives.

The incident ended after Ron Paul's wife, Carol, who has a pacemaker, refused to be screened by the TSA and an aide started taking video.

The disgraceful incident serves as a vicious parting shot by the establishment. The GOP has consistently sabotaged Paul's campaign and the corporate media has either ignored the candidate or portrayed him as a radical that had absolutely no chance of winning the nomination despite his huge and unprecedented following and popularity with the American people.


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