Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Outrageous: Pat Robertson Adoption Comments (VIDEO)


"For years, religious people have been against homosexual couples adopting children. But did you know they were really just trying to protect the gays Apparently, that's the case. At least it seems to be going by a recent clip of Pat Robertson on The 700 Club scoped out by Right Wing Watch. In the clip, Robertson fielded a question from a woman who had noticed that prospective suiters were scared off by her adopted children. Not because the children were adopted, per se, but because they were foreign...".



  1. Christ is referred to as the King of Kings. This dickshit is the FUCKING ASSHOLE OF ASSHOLES!

    Typical bullshit "Christian" spokeswads.

    Fuck him!

  2. I'm surprised he hasn't blamed Isaac on people who adopt foreign children...
