Monday, August 27, 2012

8/27/2012 -- RE: Nephtali1981 -- False Accusations from Pseudo-Religious youtube preacher (VIDEO)


This time, instead of being a "government agent", instead of being a "satanist in league with John Hutchison", instead of being a "paid schill", instead of being a "nazi", instead of being "mentally ill on social security disability", instead of being a "millionaire trust fund recipient", instead of being "rich from being on youtube", instead of being "a disinformation agent selling bunkers"....

I am now labelled as being "new ager" and someone who doesn't work a "real job" who now NEEDS the money I was accused of having last year (being a millionaire last year.. and a panhandler this year.. LOL )... also insinuating I'm trying to make a lot money somehow off a single speaking engagement where Im donating the funds to a charity?!!!!

Its absurd.. the whole thing..

Here is the video in its painful entirety -- yet another 18 minutes of my life wasted -- its really hard to sit through the mis-shaping of scripture, and condescending overtones, the music doesn't help either.. mind control programming from a zealous misdirected "christian":


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