Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Predicted And Planned Lone Wolf Gunman Attack In Denver Colorado (VIDEO)


This is all about attacking the Second Amendment, if they get rid of your guns the final check and balance against a despotic government is gone. Our founding fathers said the right to bear arms, uninfringed by government, was necessary for a free state. Obama swore to protect the laws that define America, the right to bear arms being one of them. Dont expect Barry to keep his word, he does not believe in the Constitution that he swore to protect and uphold. As soon as I saw Mike Bloomturd jumping on this I knew it was a staged fake White House scam to attack American's rights and the law. The theatre was filled with smoke and actors, according to past staged false flag events like this. This is another staged shooting by the Loughner crew. The White House is the greatest benefactor of mass fear, it reinforces the policies they lay out in advance, that the people would not accept prior to being terrorized.


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