Thursday, July 19, 2012

London Olympic Games 2012 TRUTH (VIDEO)


Is the world about to witness a HUGE false flag terror attack in London at the end of July, or on July 27th? Security has been a complete disaster and now MI5 and MI6 have confirmed suspected terrorists have infiltrated the games. All this in addition to the illuminati symbols that are all over these games. What does all this mean?
My name is Fabian4Liberty I am very passionate about promoting the principles of our Constitutional Republic and economic liberty as well as exposing the corrupted New World Order political establishment. Education and awareness is the only way we can defeat the criminal elite from taking our liberties.

I believe my unparalleled stand against the Federal Reserve & Americas foreign resource wars have made me an alternative to a lying and dying mainstream media. The birth of the new alternative media is here, and we are ready to challenge the current power structure.

In 2010, I ran for state representative in Florida. My campaign challenged the political establishment elite and left-wing propaganda newspapers who tried to destroy my character and reputation. My Ron Paul Libertarian views were not welcome in the GOP and for that matter, anywhere in the mainstream of politics. At the time, I felt my campaign gave Floridians the option of a true constitutional champion and political outsider, however, looking behind the scenes and staring the corrupted two party syndicate face showed me the real truth about America's two-party system. The truth is that there is no real difference in policy; the only difference is the rhetoric. And anyone who challenges this power structure can expect the system to character assassinate them. In the end, I ran for public office because I fundamentally believe The Republic needs citizen candidates to challenge the "Ruling Class" New World Order.

I was born in Los Angeles, California and grew up in a working-class family of immigrants. For over 10 years, I have run a small business that has worked on the front lines of U.S. financial markets and commercial real estate investments including owning and operating a private equity firm that will exceed $100 million in sales in 2012.

I started this channel, my videos and the production of micro-documentary films in order to give people another source of truth in this era of the government corporate media complex. I challenge you to turn off the TV, unplug from Fox News or MSNBC and get serous about finding the truth. This website is a resource in restoring America's constitutional republic, preparing in uncertain times and taking on the ruling class. I believe with all my heart that I offer you the truth on the coming economic collapse, as well as providing you the resources to prepare during "The Age Of Turmoil."

This site is not about the games of the Republicans and Democrats who are both destroying our country, but instead is a news site and vlog that provides you with the tools and empowerment needed to bring down the political and global elites.


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