Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend on South Beach: Private Security, I.D. Checks & License Plate Scanners for All (VIDEO)




  1. I remember 3 years ago when I was there...forgot all that "rap" would be tearing up the place. Lots got arrested. I hope all will be safe for the residents this year.

  2. Pretty bad when they have to declare Martial Law on a holiday!

  3. No "martial law", just protecting the people, the neighborhoods, the businesses.

    I'm concerned for the residents and businesses.
    Some are closing and locals have to stock up on food supplies for this weekend. Some residents are leaving town.

    "Urban Weekend" should not ever been started in Miami Beach.

    The attendees tear up the streets, loud thumping "music" , just take over everything!

    NOW the Miami Beach police are making things less violent and this is for protection, NOT "martial law."

  4. Whe a police department tells their cops to arrest 2,000 people no matter what, that is insane. Before Memorial Day, they have decided there WILL be 2,000 criminals! This is a Homeland Security TEST to see how well they can put full police control over a small "city". Later, to be used throughout the USA since they expect Americans to be rioting soon over banking collapses and cut in wages and social services.

  5. And this is what you already told me over the phone this morning. Have a nice day, Chimp!
