Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Secretive Bilderberg Group Set To Meet In Virginia May 31st-June 3rd To Elect Next US President



Speculation that the location of the Bilderberg Group’s annual meeting would be chosen to coincide with this year’s U.S. presidential election appears to have been accurate with the likelihood that Bilderberg will hold their confab in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31st to June 3rd.




  1. There are more darts in Romney than in that other guy ...just sayin' hehe...somebody missed. Lemme throw some darts !!

  2. Hi Sunny! Yeah they only have three darts and then they pull them and throw again. LOL

  3. The attitude that many Americans have about the Bilderberg Group and Trilateral Commission is pretty scary. I asked one person if he had ever heard of them, and he said "no, I don't keep up with conspiracy theories." Global elitists meeting behind closed doors to plan out a one-world government, and it's being written off as a conspiracy theory. I guess the transition to a dictatorship will be quite easy if that's how people think. If you don't believe that martial law could happen here, just take a look at http://www.martiallawusa.com. All the proof is there
