Monday, January 16, 2012

1/16/2012 -- 'Strange sounds' heard WORLDWIDE -- Stay Alert and BE PREPARED! (VIDEO)


dutchsinse writes:

"Something strange is afoot --- unknown sounds heard globally over the past few days.. basically starting up in rapid pace on January 11, 2012 --- up until today (jan 16 2012).

I don't know how long this will continue, or what it is.

New term : H.U.O. = hearing unknown object.

What could all these sounds heard this past week around the world have come from? What do you think is causing this phenomenon? I am still at the drawing board, trying to figure this mystery out... any ideas.. please share below in the comment field.

I have ruled out the "fake" option -- too many videos popping up for this to be a hoaxer.. unless of course.. its some kind of MOVIE roll out stealth marketing ploy... (I'm always the skeptic I know -- but remember EPAZUTI ?!).

I twist on the old saying .. keep your EAR to the grindstone ..... "

Strange Sounds Heard on Set of SNL - spoof (VIDEO)

damjerminator writes:

No matter what is the source of these sounds that are being reported all over the world, u gotta stop and take a laugh break..

Saturday Night Live, 1979, Steve Martin and Bill Murray stare beyond the camera as if to see or hear something...unusual?


Strange sounds in Conklin, Alberta Jan. 12/2012 (VIDEO)



  1. This is clearly something trying to communicate with Earth. Like in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Maybe this will be the year when the UFO's hover over us ...Washington, D.C.?

  2. Or it could be sound waves bouncing off satelites ( spelled wrong, sorry) or all the space junk.

  3. Hi Sunny! I'm thinkink it could be HAARP, the microwave weapon the US has in Alaska.

    They are bizarre sounds.

  4. "Earth hums" and it has something to do with electrical magnetic fields. Go Google 'earth hums' :)
