Friday, November 18, 2011

Why Is Obama So Interested In Myanmar (Burma) And Sending Hillary Clinton There? (VIDEO)


An extremely cheap labor force for American companies is another reason for US interest in Burma

By Chimp

What interests does the United States have in its relations with Myanmar (Burma) today?

The claim has been made by Brooking that the reason is America's interest in human rights and democracy. The same claim was made about Iraq, Libya and now Syria.

Most American's have no knowledge of Burma (now known as Myanmar). They know nothing about it's location, government etc... And yet American's are interested in Burma's human rights abuses and past military dictatorship?

Washington's real interest is Myanmar's strategic location between India and China, the world's two most populous countries, just as at one time the interest was in Vietnam before it lost that war.

As a result of American sanctions, which have mostly hurt the civilian population, U.S. influence over Myanmar has declined while China has advanced its interests.

Related to these two concerns is the potential for state collapse in Myanmar, which would supposedly threaten the stability of the country's neighbors.

Finally, for years Myanmar's inability to control illicit narcotics production and export has troubled the United States as a major consumer of those drugs. Burma has probably cut strongly into America's and the CIA's illicit profit from the drug business out of Afghanistan and now Pakistan.


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