Friday, October 21, 2011

The United States Loses Another War - Obama Announces Leaving Iraq By Year End


Throughout the discussions, Iraqi leaders adamantly have refused to give U.S. troops immunity from prosecution in Iraqi courts, and the Americans have refused to stay without it.

I am very glad our troops are leaving Iraq, although that may be to free them up for Iran, but that is a topic for another post.

Forget Obama's speechification about the 2008 deal. If the new government in Iraq granted immunity, the US troops would stay. In denying immunity, the new Iraqi government has shown the US to the door and handed them their hat, er, their helmet.

In other words, the United States just lost the Iraq war.

1. We never got Saddam's nuclear weapons, because they did not have any.

2. We did not revenge 9-11 because Iraq had nothing to do with it.

3. We did not punish Iraq for supporting Al Qaeda because Saddam and Al Qaeda were enemies.

4. We did not get all that much oil because the new government of Iraq is made up of people the US tortured, or of people who know people the US tortured, and the oil contracts were handed out to everyone else.

The new government the US installed in Iraq does not like the US, because the new government of Iraq is made up of people the US tortured, or of people who know people the US tortured, and they just told the US to get out, or face war crimes charges!

There is no real tangible way to claim that this war was a win for the United States. Billions spent, hundreds of thousands dead. The only real winners are the bankers to whom both sides are now deeply in debt.

But hey, I guess that makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it?


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