Tuesday, August 23, 2011

US to occupy Libya? (VIDEO)


Obama says they finally got rid of a tirant after four decades "...who denied the people of Libya the most basic rights".

Yet, the truth is: Under the revolutionary leadership of Muammar Qaddafi, Libya has attained the highest standard of living in Africa. In 2007, in an article which appeared in the African Executive Magazine, Norah Owaraga noted that Libya, “unlike other oil producing countries such as Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, utilized the revenue from its oil to develop its country. The standard of living of the people of Libya is one of the highest in Africa, falling in the category of countries with a GNP per capita of between USD 2,200 and 6,000.”

So, why are we in Libya?

Let's see. Iraq = OIL, Afghanistan = OIL PIPELINES, Libya = OIL. So, we're there to liberate the people from ruthless dictators, right? Right? Right?

The Fake Invasion Of Tripoli By Libyan Rebels



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