Israelis stock up on stun grenades to 'welcome' New Palestine state in September (VIDEO)


'Israel illegal occupier, if Palestine recognized' under 1967 borders (VIDEO)


College a series of scams and debt maker (VIDEO)


They stick you on the books
They stick you on parking
they stick you huge of tuition
and they stick you on its relation to the job market.



George Bush - History's Unmarked Grave Of Discarded Lies (VIDEO)


Listen to this again. Who is Bush talking about? It applies 100% to him and his criminal Administration. He has to be laughing inside on this JOKE that he was playing on the American people.


Taxpayer $ To Christianize U.S. Troops (VIDEO)


The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is researching how much taxpayer money in the Defense Department is being spent on turning American troops into practicing Christians.


Obama Warns Not To Challenge Official 9/11 Story (VIDEO)

We do question 9/11, we definitely do not justify it! Especially if it was an INSIDE JOB.

We question it because it was never investigated.

Al-Qaeda does not exist, yet you blame Al-Qaeda for killing 3000.

Al-Qaeda never claimed credit for 9/11.

The Osama videos the CIA released were of CIA actors since bin Laden died in 2001.

Real freedom fighters in Afghanistan and Iraq claim they had nothing to do with 9/11.

These same freedom fighters claim they want to fight to oust American infidels from their holy land.

"They" do not have affiliates in many countries.

"They" are all individual groups that just want Americans to leave their land and stop robbing them of their oil.

What you are stating are not FACTS. They ARE your opinion and as good Americans we should be allowed to debate them.

Next End Of The World On September 25, 2011? (VIDEO)


2012 The TRUTH You're NOT being TOLD The clock runs out Sep 25th 2011? (VIDEO)


Glenn Beck Says Hurricane Irene Is A Blessing, It's God Reminding You To Hoard Food (VIDEO)


In God we trust:

Glenn Beck: "Hurrican Irene A Blessing From God"

Pat Robertson: "Haiti earthquake was Haiti's pact with the devil"

Rabbi Yehuda Levi: "Virginia 2011 quake caused by homosexuals"


Pat Robertson: Crack In Washington Monument A Sign From God (VIDEO)


Pat Robertson - Haiti's Pact With The Devil Created Earthquake (VIDEO)

Rabbi Blames Virginia Earthquake 2011 on Gays (VIDEO)


2000 Marines Headed For Libya - Obama Lies Again! (VIDEO)


Another MISSION ACCOMPLISHED? --> 'Foreign boots in Libya will trigger Afghan-like Islamic surge' (VIDEO)


How stupid can the coverage on Libya get?? Very (VIDEO)


BBC Shows Video Of Protests In India And Claims They Are Libyans After Fake Fall Of Tripoli (VIDEO)

The Fake Invasion Of Tripoli By Libyan Rebels

