Wednesday, August 17, 2011

9/11 Flight 93 Impossible Cell Phone Call - We Are Being Hijacked ... This Is Not A Hoax (VIDEO)


Why phone calls cannot be made from planes without PicoCell technology

No one, with a knowledge of antenna technology could subscribe to phone calls from planes, and here are some basic reasons why. This is somewhat technical, but this needs to be shown why this is virtually impossible. I'll attempt to simplify it.




  1. We all know 9/11 changed everything including the laws of physics.

  2. At first glance, I must concur, and just to let you know, I AM A CONSPIRACY FACT RESEARCHER, but is it at all possible that that plane over Shanksville, PA was put into a holding pattern until a jet or similar could take it down? If so, could it have given a cell phone the ability to lock onto one cell tower. THAT would be damning evidence, to see how long that phone was connected to that cell tower if so.

  3. Hopefully that cell towere info will still be available to future investigators. This was a very ellaborate plan. Wonder how many of the plotters are still alive?

  4. All or most cell calls were made with morphing technology from a ground based center to advance an agenda which was all deception,and all was done as a mind control device for the news networks to bite upon for the masses.

  5. I was still flying at the time (retired now) I was flight engineer. I tested my cellphone, many times on takeoff and landing. Never got a signal past 4000 Feet. And that was in Europe which at the time and still does has a much better cellphone tech than the USA.

    in 2003, the US cellphone tech was way behind Europe.

  6. My quick opinion? 911 total inside operation. 19 Patsies. Aircraft remotely controlled.

    Remote control flying is quite easy actually, only 3 boxes under flight deck in avionics bay needed. Especially easy on same platform aircraft such as B757/767

  7. Unfortunately, ALL the media is totally in cahoots with the govt.

    Even Discovery Channel and National Geographic who ran the Flight 93 bullshit as if it were Gospel.

    The majority of the people believe the govt story because Americans are NON thinking braindead zombies. Generally speaking.

  8. @ Darold
    Not all of us are brain dead. But enough of us are that it makes it quite difficult to get any TRUTH out!

  9. Flight 93 was the most complex of all as there are video interviews that on site say no plane crash here, and yet there are witnesses that saw it crash. So why was is it that plane parts where found some 7 miles away?

  10. My opinion is Flight 93 was shot down. Hit and engine and the aircraft will still fly

  11. I really don't think the truth about 911 will ever come out. It will be like the JKF assassination.
    They will claim ''Plausible Denial''.

    Fact is, they plan these ops so that there are many questions but the whole truth will never come out.

    And the people involved if not already dead soon will be.

    But like all things, the karmic retribution of those acts will eventually destroy the country, and then people will wonder WHY?

  12. Come on you Conspiracy nuts!!!! (well that is suppose to rebut all the evidence, and science, and witnesses).

    The Alice in wonderland version of history shall not recall that the very first choice of Bu$sh for head of the 9/11 inquiry was the upstanding truth seeker and crime fighter (not batman silly) Mr. Henry bent as fuck Kissinger.

    World knows that Arab terrorists were so clever that they had left their Arabic flight manuals in the boot of the hired car.

    The scene from "those magnificent men in their flying machine" in which the German bad dude picks up the flight manual and reads;

    1- get into cockpit.
    2- sit down

    kind of pilots flew the planes and crashed their planes all shouting in tongues, and as we all know Atta passport was found in the rubble. with one corner burnt, nonetheless the photo and identification intact.

    The puzzle I could not decipher was the transponders which were shut down. However later I understood their significance was to cloak the planes and make those invisible!

    Radar just could not see the planes, those clever rascally Arab terrorists.

    I believe in; Bu$h, Blair, tooth fairy, Santa, whole host of other hobgoblins, and elves to boot. So 9/11 was the work of a shitty ass bunch of dudes, who dressed up so gehaay and hated our way of life and sausages and Apple Pie, and cola, with a good side helping of "Freedom" fries. Sick bastards if you ask me.

    yours sincerely

    Believer General
