Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Whistleblower Sean Hoare's Death: Murdoch Scandal Turns Bloody (VIDEO)



Corrupt cop covering Hoare's death?



  1. I hope you aren't suggesting that some sort of skullduggery by these upstanding citizens is behind all of this. I'll bet you don't believe in the Easter Bunny either, you cynic you.

    Wid ya.

  2. No, I would never suggest such a thing. God told a Republican in my building that the guy committed suicide and the "fair and balanced" authoprities will prove it shortly. No hamky panky here. Trust the police and government to always tell the truth.

  3. Murdoch is facing the MPs and I'm trying to find some pictures.
    I didn't know about Sean's death.
    Dear Lord!
    Well... if I got a dollar for every time Murdoch said "NO" I would be at the most rich list.
    Man! I would have a newspaper: "News of the World, the trustful version"
    Would you work with me?

  4. RUPERT: "I have no recollkection. No, I didn't know that. No. No, no one told me. No. Really? I didn't know..."
