Thursday, July 21, 2011

Most Americans Want to Slash Defense Spending, but It’s Barely Part of the Deficit Discussion


From food assistance to Medicare, politicians in Washington have discussed various ways to trim the budget deficit. But the most costly federal agency—the Department of Defense—has been treated by conservatives as a sacred cow, with no willingness on the right to trim military spending despite Americans support to do just that.

Tea Party Republicans have called for cutting funds to feed poor children and mothers and slashing aid for community health centers. But when it came to the Pentagon, the GOP increased the amount requested by Defense officials by $17 billion.



  1. It's fucking maddness, Chimp. How do you reason with maddness?

  2. They're coming to take me away, HA HA
    They're coming to take me away, HO HO HEE HEE HA HA
    To the funny farm
    Where life is beautiful all the time
    And I'll be happy to see
    Those nice, young men
    In their clean, white coats
    And they're coming to take me away, Ha-haaa!
