Saturday, July 23, 2011



A women walks to get help after she is injured in the explosion in Oslo Photo: REX


Oslo Bombing: Why Would “Terrorists” Attack Near-Empty Office Building on Public Holiday?

Daily Mail reports: Fortunately, it is a public holiday in Norway and the offices are less busy than a normal weekday.

Why would “terrorists,” who presumably want to kill as many people as possible, choose to bomb the building on a day when they know it will be almost empty?

Norwegian Terror Attacks Carried Out By Domestic Psychopath, NOT Muslim Extremists

A police official said the 32-year-old ethnic Norwegian suspect arrested at the camp on Utoya island appears to have acted alone in both attacks, and that “it seems like that this is not linked to any international terrorist organizations at all.”



Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik Was a Freemason

Before it was deleted, Breivik’s Facebook page showed the killer dressed in full masonic regalia.

Establishment Media Rushed To Blame Madman Attack on Muslims With No Evidence

Within barely an hour of the attack, the New York Times had blamed “Al-Qaeda” for an attack that turned out to be the work of a lone madman.

91 Killed: Death Toll Rises Dramatically

91 people died in the attacks in the centre of Oslo and on a nearby island summer camp.

Sky News Pundit Blames Massacre on People Who Believe in “New World Order”

Pundit blamed attack on people who believe the UN is trying to set up a new world order.

Why Would a “Right-Wing Nationalist” Massacre Young, Predominantly White Norwegians?

Why would a “right-wing extremist” who calls himself a nationalist and hates Muslims choose to massacre scores of young, predominantly white, Norwegian youths? Why not attack a mosque?

Norway PM Was Due To Visit Massacre Camp

Stoltenberg had been due to visit the camp on Saturday.

Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast

Drill mirrors how previous terror events have overlapped security exercises based around same premise.

Oslo Terror: Whose Agenda Does It Serve?

Bombing of government building and mass shooting arrive as establishment seeks to manufacture “white Al-Qaeda” myth.

Oslo Bombing Tied To CIA-Linked Terrorist

The media is instinctively blaming al-Qaeda, but there is another possible culprit.

Oslo Bombing to be Blamed on “White Al-Qaeda”?

Security experts speculate attacks are work of both Islamists and right-wing extremists.

Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik


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