Monday, July 4, 2011

Imus In The Morning Video Edited To Show Soldier Shooting At President Obama (VIDEO)


Hackers tweet ‘Obama assassinated’ from Fox News account

Secret Service to probe hack on Fox News Twitter about "Obama Assassinated"



  1. The SS needs to jump on this one. It's no different than suggesting assassination in a newspaper, on a blog, or in private conversation. It is against the law.

  2. "Oh, it was just a mistake. Actually, the soldier with the weapon was supposed to be on the right and the president on the left. Some techniciuan goofed. Did we say the president'sname was 'Osama'? Another technical mistake. You can't get good help anymore!"

  3. Yeah, and bears don't shit in the woods either.

  4. You mean Yogi and Winnie and Boo Boo and Smoky and Teddy and The Three Bears all did it in the woods? No way!

  5. And to each other. Sorry, Chimp.
