Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"The Arts Of Life They Changed Into The Arts Of Death:" Bachmann, Palin and Robertson and the limits of logic


Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Pat Robertson et al, these late empire zealots of shopping mall, militarism, and heterosexual hegemony, harbor a comic, yet mortifying vision of the conditions they believe would bring rebirth and renewal to the nation.

Believing, it seems, all that is good and decent can be salvaged, if only the U.S. would be transformed into an earthly analog of their fantasy of an immaculately scrubbed and deodorized, caucasoid heaven

(which, of course, to all others, seems a nightmare world where W.A.S.P. faces are permanently affixed on the whole of multi-visaged humanity -- a death mask made of white bread)

-- a creepy, blood-bereft, restricted country club Hyperborea, sustained by holy militarism, where well-turned out, obedient children of the lord await the Second Coming...



  1. The Second Coming, implies that there was a First Coming. Will there be a Third? How can we trust a deity that can't get it right the first time?

  2. You must convert to The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. We're way ahead. We're in the 639th coming.

  3. Verily. That was the only "coming" adverb (?) I could think of.
