Saturday, June 11, 2011

Iraq asks U.S. Republican congressman to leave after he says Iraq should ‘repay’ the US for for being invaded


Iraqi authorities have asked for a US congressman to leave the country after he called for Baghdad to repay part of the money spent by Washington since the 2003 invasion, a spokesman said on Saturday.

Republican representative Dana Rohrabacher's remarks at a news conference in Baghdad stood in stark contrast to those by senior American officials, who have pressed Iraqi officials to decide soon whether they want US troops to stay beyond a year-end withdrawal deadline.



  1. Hey wait a minute...don't dismiss this out-of-hand. If we do it the Viet Nam way, by body count...dead Americans AND will solve our deficit and provide us with a helluva surplus, to boot.

  2. Yeah, and look at all the surplus money we'll have if we get a full-blown American war going in Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan amd Iran.

  3. Hot damn, the Koch Brothers, Bush, Cheney, et al would be peeing their pants, methinks.
