The report ties together the recent “official killing” of Bin Laden in order to free up trillions of dollars with Barclays and Lloyd’s of London in order to secretly bail out JP Morgan and Bank of America in order to cover their shorts on silver and losses in derivatives.
The bin Laden psyop allowed the elite to pull off the largest insider trading scam and ponzi scheme in history.
It is no coincidence that Bank of America just reported an increase in their earnings.
The result of this illegal trading activity has increased the debt load of the smaller European Union nations like Spain, Portugal, Greece and Ireland.
This is the evidence that has been supplied to both European and U.S. financial investigators that Dominique Strauss-Kahn, President of the IMF, has handed over.
Chimp, you are leaving me breathless this morning...I can't keep up...even after two cups of coffee.