Thursday, May 19, 2011

CIA's Fake Al-Qaeda releases "posthumous" Osama bin Laden audio tape


The fake CIA-created Al-Qaeda has released a posthumous audio recording credited to their secret agent Osama bin Laden in which he praised revolutions sweeping through several Arab countries, and called for more Muslim “tyrants” to be toppled.

Islamists have been conspicuously absent in the uprisings in the Middle East that have largely been led by ordinary citizens angered by autocratic rule, corruption and mismanaged economies.

The US would like Islamists to create havoc and destruction so America can then step in and save the day. This message may help the US foment a revolution in Pakistan which is the next American target following Iraq and Afghanistan.

With an invasion into Pakistan, the US will completely surround Iran, with Pakistan and Afghanistan on the East and Iraq and their greatest Middle East friends Saudi Arabia on the West.

With the eventual conquest of Iran, America will control the entire supply of Middle East oil.

New Al Qaeda Leader Claims He Has Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda, Calls 9/11 A “Fabrication”

CIA Has Appointed Former Egyptian Special Forces Officer As New Leader Of Their Fake Al Qaeda Terrorist Group

READ: Fake Al-Qaeda

READ: Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government

Ron Paul: U.S. to occupy Pakistan (VIDEO)

New Fake Bin Laden Message Tells Arabs To Work With Obama And NATO For Regime Change (VIDEO)


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