Saturday, May 7, 2011

ANOTHER FAKED "BIN LADEN" PHOTO HITS THE PRESS! Startling insight into the life of Bin Laden's young wife who gave up everything for terror chief


Taking a bullet for your husband and agreeing to live in a cave for him are surely the biggest gestures of love a woman can make.

But these are just days in the life of the wife of Osama bin Laden who - until Monday - was America's most wanted terrorist.

Take a close look at the fingers in the DailyMail photo of the passport. This is another photoshop creation and a very clumsy one at that. The face seems to be an overlay as well and not part of the actual image of the passport.

Click for larger image

Close up of finger showing sloppy work:

Click for larger image

UPDATE: No sooner had WHAT REALLY HAPPENED posted this expose' than the Daily Mail closed commenting for the article. I wonder if they will delete or try to replace their original image.



  1. As a graphic artist I agree, the hand is badly photo shopped. As an inquiring mind, I have to ask, what does the hand add to the photo? why bother?

  2. True. There is so much sham with this entire bin Laden fantasy that no matter what THEY put out, it will be questionable.
