Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Jesus Had Disciples So They Would Become Republican Politicians And Cut Programs For The Poor"


Christianity is really nothing more than one bearded guy’s boutique political consulting/candidate training shop.

“I will wash your feet, then you go forth and wash the feet of wealthy campaign bundlers and make sure they bring in the big bucks so you can make a large media buy,” said Christ to the disciples.

Bryan Fischer knows Jesus wanted Christians to be politicians. But he didn’t want just any kind of politicians; he wanted politicians that cut social programs for poor people. Yep, that sounds like Jesus.

The Jesus Of The Second Coming Will Be A Republican, Unlike His Predecessor



  1. Nah, my take on beJesus is, if he indeed was for real, and he does come back...he is going to be doing some seriously ass kicking. Starting with GWB, who claims beJesus' dad told him to attack Iraq.

  2. Yes, but remember, George had just lost a fight with a pretzel and had a scar to prove it and he said God's voice sounded alot like Dick Cheney.
