Monday, April 18, 2011

White California Republican official sent picture of black Obama as chimp, didn’t think it was racist (VIDEO)


It's not racist for a white Republiucan to say that black President Obama looks like a chimp?

Marilyn Davenport, an elected member of the Orange County Republican Party central committee, said she doesn't think a photoshopped image she sent of President Barack Obama's superimposed on a chimpanzee's body is racist.

She sent the emailed the picture of Obama and two chimp parents to friends Friday, with the caption, "Now you know why — No birth certificate."



  1. People like Marilyn and the other verbal gaffers in Orange County drift further from reality daily. In Costa Mesa, there's a revolt against four city councilmen. The councilmen got "a taste of Wisconsin" and decided to cut half the city workforce. One worker jumped to his death the day that he received his notice. What did the Councilmen do? Party at one of their buddy's Irish bars on St. Patrick's Day!

    Demography and stupidity like this is going to come crashing down hard on the local GOP here, and they are going to flip the freak out.

  2. Thank you for this background info, BlackHand.
