Monday, April 25, 2011

Baptist Evangelist Franklin Graham Predicts Second Coming of Jesus Christ Will Be On YouTube, Twitter, Other Social Networks And iPhone


"I don't mean to be disrespectful but could there be a second coming by social media? Is that what you mean?" the ABC host asked.

"No, I'm just saying the whole world will see him when he comes, and he's coming back for his people. How is the whole world going to see him all at one time? I don't know unless all of a sudden everybody is taking pictures and it's on the media worldwide. Social media could have a big part in that," Graham replied.



  1. In a hurry, but, why are we giving fools like this airtime? His opinions aren't worth spit.

  2. Franklin Graham, Republican Southern Baptist Protestant Christian Evangelist and son of Billy Graham is the closest you can get to the WORD OF GOD. He is closer to god than George Bush or Sarah Palin or Pat Robertson. He is the modern Moses. (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.)

  3. An idjit by any other name is still an idjit...imaginary friend or no.

  4. Another Moron like Pat "666" Robertson.
