Monday, March 7, 2011

The Resurgence Of Bedbugs In America


Burnie The Boxing Bedbug

Click to enlarge

Bedbugs are winning the fight in America.

Bedbugs were practically wiped out in the Fifties due to the widespread use of DDT, which has subsequently been proscribed.

It took them forty to fifty years to recover, but in 1995 they started their comeback.

In 2004, there were 82 instances of bed bugs in New York, but only five years later, in 2009, that figure had mushroomed to 10,985.



  1. Damn...this is making me itch.

    I once encountered bedbugs in a foreign country, to remain unnamed. It was an experience that almost drove one insane...i.e., me. Of course, there were other mind altering denizens there as well, but the bedbugs were especially provoking.

    Gimme that old time DDT.

  2. I also lived with the little cuties when I was growing up in Soyth America and went to a boarding school.

  3. Oh with? That is also mind altering. I can't imagine that on a daily basis.

  4. My best friends at the school were Itchy and Scratchy.
