Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wal-Mart Destroys Local Economies Makes Neighborhoods Poorer & It's A Government Burden


Besides, for each Wal-Mart employee who dies (even if not working for Wal-Mart at the time) Wal-Mart gets a "DEAD PEASANT" insurance check of $80,000 or more used for executive bonuses and parties.

The report concludes that Wal-Mart, the biggest U.S. private employer, kills jobs rather than creates them, drives down wages and is a tax burden because it does not give health and other benefits to many part-time employees, leaving a burden on Medicaid and other public programs.



  1. It's time to outsource walmart.

  2. Shit, they are building this giant Wal-Mart in the middle of St. Petersburg, Florida. Originally, I thought it was a prison. I was probably right.

  3. Lovely. That's in keeping with the architecture of St. Pete.
