Sunday, February 27, 2011

The US Government Can Now Control The Entire World With New Multi-Million Dollar "Persona" Software


The Pentagon can control an "army" of thousands of fake people to invade any and all social networks

By Chimp

The Pentagon has bought a multi-million dollar "persona"software that allows one military person to control thousands of fake persons in facebook, myspace, twitter or any social site.

These thousands of "people" can invade any of the social networks with specific "propaganda".

They can agitate the young in a country to start a revolution. Is this how "Egypt" happened?

They can defeat a candidate for the US senate by thousands of "people" spreading a particular negative rumor. Like Obama not having a US birth certificate?

With this software they can start revolutions, elect politicians and presidents in the US and around the world, destroy current presidents and politicians and make Americans believe that war is peace, hate is love, unions are bad and waterboarding is not torture.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Border Patrol changing name to Inland Compliance Squad (VIDEO)


Does this Nazi officer remind you of the us immigration officer in the video?


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

World's Biggest Swimming Pool (VIDEO)


Can you believe this place in Chile?

Imagine doing 10 laps of this pool lengthwise! On a jet-ski maybe.

It is 1.3klms long, 800 mtrs wide (8/10 of a mile long by 1/2 mile wide) at its shortest point and varies from ankle depth to 8 mtrs deep.

It employs 41 life guards and has lifesaving devices which pop out of the bottom in various locations in case of rescue requirements.

Built jointly by Korean/Japanese interests, it's expected to have a business life scale of 15 years.


Americans say Reagan the greatest president in the history of the United States


Can you guess which one is Ronald Reagan? And you wonder why America is fuck*d?

Who is the greatest president in the history of the United States? If you're asking a random sampling of Americans, as the Gallup polling firm recently did, it would be none other than Ronald Reagan.

This one came in ahead of Thomas Jefferson

Now you know why Sarah Palin claims to be Ronald Reagan's reincarnation. 2012, here she comes!
