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Please join us in celebrating the launch of a revolutionary application, SlaveryAppTM
The Mission of Slave Americans Concepts is to provide breadth in application (app) code to deliver content-rich information systems to all Americans, present and future slaves.
The goals of Slave Americans Concepts are to:
Provide orders and increase consistency in mandatory actions while controlling human behavior to force slavery on all Americans.
Increase the mandatory quality, forced compliance, and expected outcomes
Provide censored network, high-value propaganda information for collection of personal information and police action purposes
To serve police, government, military and controlling corporate communities
Provide mechanisms whereby false flag operations, blackmail processes, and slavery performance can be reviewed retrospectively
Slave Americans Concepts delivers a superior product.
We leverage your existing Blackberry, Android or iPhone platform and drive Homeland Security mandatory slavery compliance directly to your staff's mobile device. No manuals to find, nor forms to locate, no wasted time.
Everything at your fingertips for immediate police action. Positive slavery outcomes.
May 10th 2010 - Ex-Nazi and ex-KGB agents Chuck and Roy agree to form smartphone application company to help DHS/TSA control the American population
July 4th 2010 - Slavery Applications LLC and Slave Americans Concepts are formed
July 12th 2010 - Final design of SlaveryApps application is approved by THE STATE
July 15th 2010 - SlaveryApps iPhone application launch scheduled for Sep 11, 2010 to remind all Americans when they became slaves
August 10th 2010 - Jeff from The former Stasi of East Germany joins Slave Americans Concepts.
August 12th 2010 - Slave Americans Concepts welcomes Penny the Barbarian to the team
September 2nd 2010 - Slave Americans Concepts announces the launch of SlaveryApp, the world's first iPhone application that turns citizens into snitches to assist the government police state in controlling all American Slaves
September 14th 2010 - SlaveryApp -- A Real One World Order Solution for Real One World Order control of the population
September 20th 2010 - Scary App - The Easy Way to scare Americans into becoming government slaves
Homeland Security Live Alert:
One criticism...SHIT YOUR PANTS, really ought to be orange. I mean I'd be under the bed before I shit my pants...right after covering my ass.
ReplyDeleteBut under the bed is where you go during a nookoolar attack. Used to be under your desk at school. Now it's under your bed in your shitty pants.