Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Why Are Airlines Not Actively Fighting TSA Gestapo Measures Which Cost Them Millions of Fliers And Billions Of Dollars?


By Chimp

When a business industry is affected negatively by government action, the industry usually fights back and eventually wins to revive their business.

However, when the TSA has probably cost the airline industry millions of fliers and billions of dollars, you can't hear a peep from the airlines or their stockholders.

I am semiretired and could probably fly 6 to 10 times a year and yet I'm afraid to set foot in an airport where I can be radiated, fondled, raped, and intimidated by grammar school dropout goons.

In reading various polls, there are thousands of people in the US with similar apprehensions. Yet, the airline industry will not stand up and fight this giant revenue loss.

Is there a secret law in place (yes, we have secret laws in this country) which uses bailout money to pay the airlines for all their revenue loses and it is why the airlines are quiet?

This is the only explanation I can think of why a giant industry is silent when their TSA-caused loses must be in the billions.


1 comment:

  1. ‘Enough is Enough’ Ron Paul Calls for End of Federal Government Criminal Activity
    This TSA legislation will curtail abusive violations of Airport security and Freedom to Move and Travel without Fear and Terror of Government molestation.
    The Simple one paragraph piece of Legislation, looks to do this by removing the current immunity of any agent or officer of the federal government from doing anything that you or I couldn’t do. Namely removing Immunity that the Federal Government Agents enjoy in committing what would normally be Crimes.

