Thursday, November 25, 2010

‘We’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies,’ Retard Sarah Palin tells Glenn Beck


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Sarah Palin evolving from the woods to the US Presidency

As cartoon character Homer Simpson might have said: "D'oh!"

In a Wednesday interview on Glenn Beck's radio program, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin seemed a little confused about whether the US was allied with North Korea or South Korea.

Sarah Palin Basically Declares War On ‘South Korea’



  1. Dumb and dumber world problem solvers. Just fucking scary is what it is.

  2. BTW---HAPPY THANKSGIVING, CHIMP. Sorry you had to work today.

  3. Hope you and yours had a great Thanksgiving, JJ!

  4. Well, she's become an entertainer so she's now ready for the US presidency in 2012. Maybe that's why the world is coming to an end in 2012??? She attacked the wrong Korea?

  5. Well, she now has "Sarah Palin's Alaska"...this could be the preparation for, "Sarah Palin's Korea".

  6. Her new book: "Going Rogue & Maverick In Korea, Ya Betcha!"
