Thursday, November 18, 2010

US Government To Claim Greater Control Over Worldwide Computer Systems & The Internet Through False Flag Stuxnet Virus


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News Interpretation By Chimp

A malicious computer attack that appears to target Iran's nuclear plants and was probably created by US and Israel can be modified to wreak havoc on industrial control systems around the world.

The US government will use this scare to take the reins of the virus they control and claim it represents the most dire cyberthreat known to industry.

The growing danger, said lawmakers, will make it imperative that Congress move on legislation that would expand growing US government control over computers and industry around the world.

The US Senate has heard testimony that this virus can control the world's industries and thus should be managed and controlled by the USA.

Analysts and government officials told the senators they remain unable to reveal who launched the attack. But the design and performance of the code, and that the bulk of the attacks were in Iran, have fueled speculation that it was Israel with US help and money which targeted the Iranian nuclear facilities.

Iran has said it believes Stuxnet is part of a Western plot to sabotage its nuclear program, but experts see few signs of major damage at Iranian facilities.

A senior government official waved more booga-booga Wednesday saying that attackers can use information made public about the Stuxnet worm to develop variations targeting other industries, affecting the production of everything from chemicals to baby formula (so be very scared Americans), but if America controls the virus, we will all be saved.

Stuxnet specifically targets businesses that use Windows operating software systems.
So, you should all go out and buy Apple Computers, said the senior Homeland Security official who does not own thousands of shares of Apple stock.

The US government official added that he virus is so complex and costly to develop "that a select few attackers would be capable of producing a similar threat," like the USA and Israel, but they would like to blame China to make the world hate Chinese products (the lead paint scare was step one, this is step two).

Sen. Joe Lieberman , I-Conn., (a dual Israeli-American citizen) who has wanted the US government to take complete control of the Internet, now heads the Senate panel trying to scare the US into allowing the government complete control of all computers.


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