Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Dumbing Down And "Training" Of American Kids To Become "We The Sheeple"


By Chimp

It is being called the hottest toy of the season. All the kids want one for Christmas.

I grew up with toys that taught me to be a cowboy, a policeman, a fireman or a construction worker. There were even toys that wanted me to be a doctor or a nurse.

But, during the past 20 years or more our country has stopped all manufacturing, with all American products now being made overseas.

Since employment opportunities will be slim in the future, student expectations and teaching has been downgraded to produce basic services employees like fast food clerks and garbage men.

So the most popular toy today is a talking, "Stinky" garbage truck so that children will be further acclimated to their dumbed-down future jobs.

This year we have also seen the attack the government has made against middle class Americans who travel, through the TSA.

By using the excuse of "terrorism" the Transportation Safety Administration has instituted airport security measures that are demeaning to most intelligent Americans. This includes direct sexual assault and photographing/x-raying their sexual organs.

I remember one of the toys that were popular last year was Playmobil’s Security Check Point.

Was the TSA already planning on further humiliating travelers back in February of 2009 when this toy came out?

Playmobil’s Security Check Point toy set features armed guards at an airport screening point.

Playmobil toys depict real-life settings, and not always cheery ones, like a police station, hospital and animal clinic. But one, the Security Check Point, took that philosophy too far for some parents.

I wonder if Playmobil is secretly owned by the Department of Homeland Security and is one way that "police state" training toys can come out on schedule to slowly train children to learn how to be obedient to the State.


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