Thursday, September 23, 2010

Olbermann rips Liz Cheney for her father’s ‘dereliction’ on 9/11


Liz looks a lot like her father

On MSNBC's Countdown Wednesday, Keith Olbermann slammed Liz Cheney for claiming President Barack Obama is "unwilling or unable" to keep the nation safe.

"Madame, who in the hell do you think you're talking to?" said Olbermann, after reading her press release.

"The negligence, dereliction of duty and nonfeasance of your father led directly to this country having to absorb a terrorist attack.

To quote you, your father and Mr. Bush failed to use every tool at their disposal to find, defeat, capture, and kill terrorists and were unwilling or unable to do what it takes to keep this nation safe."

"Your father and Mr. Bush, Miss Cheney, were utter failures whose track record on terrorism will go down in infamy," Olbermann continues. "And worse still, your statements suggest that this country is not capable of absorbing the consequences of a terrorist attack, even though it already has, because it had to, because your father and Mr. Bush failed to absorb the warnings screamed at you by the intelligence community."

"America, Miss Cheney, absorbed eight years of your father and George Bush. We have proved we can absorb anything. And the only explanation owed to the American people, Miss Cheney, is by you. Is the name of your group 'Keep America Safe,' is that deliberately ironic or are you in secret agreement that your father and the last president failed utterly to do that? Liz Cheney, chairman, today's worst person in the world."


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