Friday, August 20, 2010

Keith Olbermann: There Is No 'Ground Zero Mosque'




  1. Wow.

    I'm considering stealing this Chimp. Powerful. Unfortunately, only the choir will watch...but it bears, spreading around.

    Good one man!

  2. Yes. I had seen that it was supposed to be a community center to get kids off the street. Was never a mosque like a church or a synagogue.
    All yours!

  3. Thanks. I hope you see it as spreading the word, which needs spreading...and shouting...and browbeating, I think.

  4. Sometimes I wonder if anyone is listening...

  5. I are several others. We can't be quiet. I often wonder why Navywaxman gave up the ghost...but I don't intend to do it. I back off now and then, but keep coming back, because we are at a serious point in our history, that could go to the pits. Don't give it up, bro. Keep pounding!

  6. It's funny you mention Navy. I found him once and commented but he never came by with a comment. Unusual. I woon't give this up. This is my therapy!
