Monday, July 5, 2010

Newsweek editor asks: ‘Why are we fighting a major war in Afghanistan?’


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International editor questions war in country with 'fewer than 100 al Qaeda fighters'

Since the resignation of General Stanley McChrystal as the commander of US forces in Afghanistan and CIA Director Leon Panetta's admission a week ago that there may be no more than fifty to a hundred al-Qaeda members in that nation, there have been increasing signs of a loss of support for the Afghan War.


"I'm shopcked you don't know why, Newsweek Editor. The military industrial complex needs more profits. This is also George Bush's modern Christian Crusades to finally kill all Muslims. There is also a major oil pipeline crossing Afghanistan that must be protected like our soldiers protect the Iraqi oil fields, so we can have cheap gasoline for our gas guzzlers. There's also the largest poppy fields in the world in Afghanistran and our CIA needs these drugs to fight the wars not approved or budgeted by congress (like the well-known Iran-Contra deal). Finally, Israel ordered us to attack them!" - Chimp



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