Monday, July 26, 2010

Journalists Starting To Accept The Fact That Their Print Publications Will Eventually Fold


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Half of journalists think the print publications (or TV/radio stations) they work for will eventually fold.

WRH's Commentary:

The corporate media would still be in business, and the blog-o-sphere not even exist, if the media had remembered that their self-appointed task was to be a watchdog on the abuses of government.

Nobody likes a liar.

The corporate media wants to blame the blogs, but in truth the reason thy have lost their audience is that the corporate media lied to the world about Saddam's nukes.

The corporate media lied to the world about TWA 800.

The corporate media lied to the world about John F. Kennedy

The corporate media lied to the world about global warming

The corporate media lied to the world about 9-11

The corporate media lied to the world about the Oklahoma City Bombing

The corporate media lied to the world about Waco

The corporate media lied to the world about Robert Kennedy

The corporate media lied to the world about Vincent Foster

The corporate media lied to the world about Pearl Harbor

The corporate media lied to the world about Martin Luther King

The corporate media lied to the world about John F. Kennedy Jr.

As I said above, nobody likes a liar, and if the purveyors of propaganda truly wish to know the authors of their downfall they need only look in a mirror. The transition from mono-broadcast media to interactive media was sparked the moment the commercial media decided that their job was not to inform the public, but to herd them alonmg in the desired direction.

The blogs would not be here were it not for the corporate media's untrustworthiness. I have no sympathy for them.


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