Friday, June 25, 2010

Beginning of the End for Cable, Satellite TV?


Subscription Hulu: Beginning of the End for Cable, Satellite TV?

Hulu, which currently showcases free content from NBC, and other video providers, will try charging for a premium version soon, according to reports.

The stage is set for a showdown between television networks and cable/satellite TV services, thanks to the internet.

It won’t happen overnight, but your monthly cable or satellite bill could eventually be replaced by a monthly bill from Hulu, an online service that streams TV shows on demand.



  1. I have hula. Far too many glitches at this point. For 7.95 month, Net Flix has them beat to hades. One DVD at a time, and unlimited instant films, which we stream through our daughter's WII and our wireless connection. Since I mainly watch films on T.V., when the girls are gone, the cable will be too.

    NetFlix ran the gangster, wanting-to-drain-the-Everglades bastard Blockbuster in the ground. I hope my meager contribution was the straw that broke their sorry backs. Time-Warner is next.

  2. Addendum: All of that predicated by no methane explosion in the which case of course, we are all moot.

  3. I agree. The fact is that our technology is changing daily. Who ever thought 10 years ago that cable companiies would provide phone service? Can't wait until "Beam me down Scotty!"

  4. Given the past few weeks events...not to mention the last 10 years, perhaps Beam me UP Scotty would be more productive...but, I'm wid ya!
