Sunday, May 23, 2010

With Friends Like The British (BP OIL) Why Worry About Terrorists?


By Chimp

President Obama has created a national commission to investigate the BP oil spill in the Gulf to determine what happened and report to him in 6 months.

Six months later, after milllions of dollars spent and hundreds of witnesses interviewed, the report will probably read:

"Oil rig caught on fire. Oil spilled into Gulf of Mexico. BP did all possible to stop leak and clean it up. It was an act of God!"

This will be another successful government investigation like the ones for 9/11, JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations, the deadly anthrax envelopes, the Oklahoma City bombing, Kent State U. killings and most recently the Times Sqyare bomber and the Christmas underwear bomber, etc...

Thank you Congress for keeping the American public safe and well-informed. You are all patriots and you should wear "US-Flag-Suits" to show off your love for our white, male-dominated, Christian nation.


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