Monday, May 17, 2010

Vatican to claim bishops are not 'employees'


The Vatican will today make its most detailed defence yet against claims that it is liable for US bishops who allowed priests to molest children, saying bishops are not its employees.

WRH's Commentary:

This is pure legalistic maneuvering that demonstrates that pedophile priests are not afraid of the god or devil they peddle to the gullible masses, but hooy BOY are they ever afraid of those lawyers!

But behind the legal maneuvering there is a harsh reality that explains why attendance at churches is plummeting. It is impossible to reconcile even a single pedophile priests molesting a single child with the idea that the priests and that church in any way represent a divine moral divine being.

It is a given that every parent of every child entrusted to a religious institution prayed that their child be kept safe from harm. The epidemic of child molestation makes it clear what said prayers are not being heard. The children are not even safe inside the churches themselves; in theory the place where said God would hold the most sway. The god to whom the prayers are directed simply does not exist.


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