Call for action from activist Caoimhe Butterly (Gaza TV News).


This incident happened in international waters. If the reports about fatalities are accurate, then Israel has committed an act of war against Turkey, whose sovereign territory includes that ship.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Vatican abuse prosecutor warns hell for culprits


"Burn in hell, priest!"

The Vatican prosecutor of clerical sex abuse warned perpetrators on Saturday that they would suffer damnation in hell that would be worse than the death penalty.


“Because of that, these boy-raping priests don’t need to go to earth jails. So let them all continue their raping and they will pay in hell after they die of old age after raping hundreds of boys each. I will make sure they suffer in the after-life.” - Vatican Prosecutor


The swine flu pandemic that never was


The fizzle that was the Great Swine Flu Pandemic of 2009-10. Like the never-was SARS pandemic and the didn’t-happen bird-flu pandemic, swine flu — or H1N1 — was nowhere near the threat it had been hyped to be. It wasn’t even the threat the regular seasonal flu is most winters.

The whole swine-flu blitz was yet another example of expert-fed hysteria.


Who were the "experts" who fed this hysteria? My bet is the drug makers, the medical world in general and the Washington lobbyists & the medical industrial complex who got the US to buy billions of dollars of worthless and unnecessary vaccines. We, the little people, got scrwed once again!


The Big Lie Selling You War With North Korea


Here is the big lie…The torpedo recovered from the ocean where Cheosan was attacked is NOT the same torpedo shown in the North Korean plans.


Corporations tied to the Military Industrial Complex need more wars to boost their profits since we are supposedly pulling out of Iraq and the Afghan war slows down. A war with Iran and/or North Korea would give the War Lobbyists in Washington millions in bonuses!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

When An American Enters A US Airport, He Enters A Foreign Fascist Country


By Chimp

Once, you, as an American citizen, enter a TSA-governed US airport, you lose all your rights as a member of a Democratic nation.

Do not frown. Do not get upset. Do not act aggressively. Do not raise your voice, or you will feel the full wrath of the minimum-wage unionized TSA workers who are jealous of anyone making more than them, which is everyone who can afford an airline ticket.

These workers will act aggressively and threatening and loud in order to upset you so you will fall in their "terrorist" net. Yes, if you get upset you go on their "TSA Haters" list and you'll be treated worse than a real bomb-toting terrorist every time you enter any US airport.

Don't ask "smart" questions, only basic ones like, "Where can I take a shit?" Ask only what you know the uneducated TSA worker will understand. You speak slightly above their mental range and you become a terrorist.

They will body-scan you and keep a copy of all your physical features in their computer. They will then look at your body during their coffee breaks and comment on your physical appearance, laughing loudly at your sexual inequalities.

During "processing" if the TSA worker can find the dumbest excuse, especially if you are a sexy, attractive female. They will ask you to allow a pat-down, feeling for weapons around your breasts and sexual organs. If you get them really hot, they will ask to do a body cavity search, sticking their latex-covered fingers where even your doctor or your lover may never have been.

If you are a male that upsets the TSA "inspector", he will definitely attempt a cavity search, trying to get his whole hand in there.

You will remain a "prisoner" of this system throughout your flight and deplaning and luggage-claiming until you drive out of the arrival airport.

So, keep your mouth shut, constantly smile and say thank you, even while the fingers are probing your intestines. Next time, if you are not in a rush, take Amtrak or Greyhound.
