The "logical" next step is to outlaw womanhood altogether. Different legal standards for the sexes isn't solely in the domain of the Muslim world, for that matter -- in the US, less than 100 years ago a man could be acquitted for murdering his adulterous wife (the "real" criminal). Wouldn't be surprised if some juries here are still of the same mindset.
(I strongly believe, however, that those orange-y artificial tans should be illegal EVERYwhere.)
The "logical" next step is to outlaw womanhood altogether. Different legal standards for the sexes isn't solely in the domain of the Muslim world, for that matter -- in the US, less than 100 years ago a man could be acquitted for murdering his adulterous wife (the "real" criminal). Wouldn't be surprised if some juries here are still of the same mindset.
ReplyDelete(I strongly believe, however, that those orange-y artificial tans should be illegal EVERYwhere.)
I agree. I don't believe we have moved forward since the so-called biblical days. Humans never learfn by their past stupidity and mistakes.