"Thank you God for the bounty I am about to receive!"
Objecting to the term "pedophilia" being used to describe the rampant claims of children being sexually abused by priests and nuns, Donohue instead called the acts "homosexuality," later suggesting "that's what gays do."
Though repeatedly cited in the media as the Catholic Church's "pedophilia" problem, Donohue instead prefers a longer term, according to his editorial published by CNN on March 19: "the sexual molestation of minors."
And, actually, the two terms are not mutually exclusive, explains the psychology department at UC Davis, noting that "pedophilia" as used to describe the church's scandals "can cause confusion."
“As I stuck my penis in the 7-year-old’s mouth to save him from eternal damnation, I asked him if it was ok that we have sex and he replied ‘Mmmmmm’ which everyone knows means ‘Yes’. So it was consensual gay sex and not pedophilia.” - Holy Man Of The Church
Hello Donohue asswipe, definition to follow:
ReplyDeleteMain Entry: pe·do·phil·ia
Pronunciation: \ˌpe-də-ˈfi-lē-ə, ˈpē-\
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
Date: 1906
: sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object.
Yes, but, the Vatgican says there's a differeence between those over 12 and those under 12 and most of the ones raped were over 12. Maybe in Europe. you are an adult at 12?