Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sarah Palin Gives Conservatives The Right To Say “Retarded” - However, Liberals Make Her Trig Cry


Sarah Palin calls for Obama to fire Rahm Emanuel for 'f----ing retarded' comment in Facebook

Rush Limbaugh has pounced on Rahm Emanuel's "retarded" blunder and is using the same offensive term to bludgeon his enemies on the left.

On yesterday's episode of "The Rush Limbaugh Show," the drug-using fanatical right-wing talking head blasted liberal activists as "retards,” and suggest a "retard summit" is in the offing at the White House.

Trig, Sarah’s son, did not cry this time as when Rahm Emanuel used the ‘f---ing “R”’ word. Maybe using “f---ing” in front of “retarded” word makes a big difference.

The slur, reported last week, was thrust in the spotlight after Sarah Palin called for Rahm to be fired in a Facebook post.

Palin, whose son has Downs syndrome, likened Rahm's expletive to use of the N-word. When Rahm calls a conservative “retarded”, Sarah believes he is also calling her son “retarded” since Trig is also a registered Conservative voter.

Limbaugh, has decided that since Rahm used the word first, Rush now has permission to call all Liberals “retards”.

Sarah Palin did not object to Limbaugh using the term. Trig had the radio turned off, so it’s ok.


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