Tuesday, January 12, 2010

“Moses” of Global Warming Hoax Wants To Know Which Meteorologists Don’t Believe Him


"Moses" will banish all meteoroligist who don't believe in his Global Warming Commandments. No. 1: "Thou shalt not NOT beileve in man-made global warming"

In answering this survey, some meteorologists felt they could not be honest about their opinions that man is not the driving force behind the climate. They said by sharing their opinions in this matter on a survey, they could very well find their current and future employment threatened.

In 2006, while on a walk in the mountains, (“Moses”) Ed Maibach, Professor and Director of the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, had an epiphany that forever changed his life.

He heard the “voice” (sounded a lot like Al Gore) and realized that climate change is the ultimate threat to the public’s health and wellbeing, worldwide, and Ed responded by refocusing his work entirely on climate change prevention and adaptation.

I don’t know if this is the same mountain where George Bush heard the voice of God (sounding a lot like Dick Cheney) who told him to invade Iraq in order to give the Iraqi people their freedom.

Ed moved to Mason in 2007 to join the communication faculty and create the Center for Climate Change Communication.

Like “almost billionaire” Al Gore, monetary gain - which is thrown at scientists in the global warming business - was not Ed’s main interest. He wanted to save humanity from drowning in over 20-feet of water as Al Gore had predicted.

Now, the American Meteorological Society (AMS) is seeking to push its hoax of the manmade climate change fabricated “science” onto its members and also to learn which members are not on board this scientific gravy train.

The group recently sent out requests for its members to partake in a survey that will be conducted by Dr. Ed Maibach who views global warming as the “ultimate threat” to mankind: worse than nuclear bombs and worse than 8 years of George Bush as president.

They claim that the survey is an attempt, “to better understand TV meteorologists' and news directors' opinions about climate change.”.

But actually, they want to know who is and who is not on board the Global Warming Hoax Train so they can put pressure on those who are not, probably costing them their jobs.

Members of the AMS instantly reacted with shock and disdain not only at the message but its source.

As it turns out, Dr. Maibach is hardly an impartial player in the game and certainly not one that should be conducting an “impartial” survey.

It is Maibach’s background and the statement that he seeks to “influence the behavior of populations” that has many AMS members deeply troubled.

One anonymous meteorologist put it this way:

“Science should be allowed to function without the push and pull of zealots on either side dictating outcomes before studies are even conducted,” he said.

“Climate change, global warming or whatever you want to call it is not settled science. Let me make this clear...THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SETTLED SCIENCE...never was...never will be.”

The fact the survey is being funded by the National Science Foundation, a taxpayer funded government entity with an annual budget of over $6 billion is troubling as well.

Science is about unbiased results and opinions and it would appear the NSF cannot be viewed as an honest broker, especially if it is funding a study by someone who clearly is far from unprejudiced.


I put this article together from this link - Chimp


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